When the existing roof system or metal cladding still performs well and is structurally sound but exhibits minor wear and tear at the seams or the finish looks faded, surface rusted, worn or just needs updated, a recoat of the existing metal roof may be the right solution.
A new coating can provide a beautiful new appearance to a facility at a much lower cost than a retrofit.
Metal Re-Coatings Services

Things To Consider...
The cost of materials for a re-coat will likely be far less than that of a retrofit, making the re-coat project more cost effective.
Some common preparation conditions and techniques include:
• Solvent cleaning for the removal of grease, oil, dirt or other soluble contaminants
• Hand tool cleaning such as chipping sanding or brushing for the removal of loose rust, mill scale, loose paint or other foreign matter
• Power tool cleaning for a more aggressive removal of the substances mentioned above
• Pressure washing
• High-pressure water jetting
• Blast cleaning

Snow Retention Coating
SNOWGRIP solves these common problems of dangerous sliding and falling ice, expensive snow removal, and damaging slides to building structures.
- Prevent Injury and damage caused by Sliding Snow and Ice.
- Keep Building Entrances Safe, Clear and Reduce Snow Removal Costs.
- Allow melt water to flow freely off the roof edge without refreezing.
- Reduce Heating Cost with an Insulating Snow Layer.
- Eliminate Ice Dams to stop leaks and dangerous conditions.
- Add Service Life to your Roof by Reducing Thermal Movement.
- Affordable and Simple Installation.